Ian tells me that to be good at something, you have to give it your all. "There's no half-assing it." And that includes reading. Here are the books he recommends.
“These guys play and play and play and play. There’s no half-assing it, in other words. If you want to be good. I guess I feel like I’ve half-assed my life, and I don’t have a lot left, and I don’t want to half-ass anymore. And so my approach to reading…of course I read what I want, and I have very wide-ranging, sort of Catholic taste, but I have also tackled , I tackled the big guns, Don Quixote, Divine Comedy, um, Plato’s Republic, Finnegans Wake, I finally read it. Liked it. It’s a bear. There’s no, there’s no denying it’s a bear. That was a project. That took about six months. I read about ten books to help me get through it, but incredible book. But, you know, Dante, Divine Comedy, Canterbury Tales, Boccaccio, Milton, Shakespeare.”